Riverside Advice Services are Open
Riverside Advice is now OPEN – callers can go to
41a Lower Cathedral Road
CF11 6LW
Monday 10am – 1pm
Tuesday 10am – 1pm
Wednesday 10am – 1pm
Thursday 10am – 1pm
Friday 10am – 1pm
Appointments can be made in the normal way by ringing our main number, 02920341577 Phone lines are open 10-1 & 2-4 and you will be given a date and time for an appointment as usual. The Advisor will be given all your details ahead of the call. You may be requested to send documents to us. Documents may now be taken to 41a 10 – 1pm.
Our services in summary :
Welfare Benefits and Debt for people with Mental Health Illnesses
Welfare Benefits for Carers and those who are Cared for
Vulnerable people requiring:
Benefit Checks
Income maximisation
Welfare Benefit Advice
Debt and Multiple Debt including Debt Relief Orders and Bankruptcy
Fuel Debt, Budgeting
Energy Efficiency
Replacement Energy efficient White Goods
Legal Aid cases for Housing if financially eligible in:
Welfare Benefits Upper Tribunals if Tribunal has failed
Please call 02920341577 if you require further information
Welcome to Riverside Advice in Cardiff. For over 40 years Riverside Advice has been helping people of Cardiff and in the wider vicininity for some services.
Ring 029 20 341 577
People will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability.